Wednesday, September 3, 2008

9 months away, Day #1

This weekend I began my official start to the Boise Ironman 70.3 competition. With the nervous click of a mouse, I am on my way to one of the most challenging events of my life. For those of you who don't know, this is going to be a 70.3 mile Triathlon in Boise Idaho, June 13th 2009.
In just a few days, since my online registration, I have discovered how big of an undertaking this really is going to be. I have so much to plan for, 9 months is barely going to be enough time to prepare. On top of training, and attempting to craft my body and mind into the physical condition that a race of this caliber requires, I also have to take on the challenges of equipment, time, nutrition, sponsors..... Let me tell you, this is going to be incredible to pull this off.

But I'm excited and motivated to push myself further than I have before. Today was day #1. I spent 30 mins in the pool, lap swimming, just to get my "feet wet" (so to say). So with a little more planning and adjusting I should have my training schedule (roughly planned) this week.
Ironman 70.3 HERE I COME!!!

1 comment:

Kristen said...

9 Months... Just a think about how much a woman's body adapts to having a baby just 9 months!! With some hard work, determination, and an extra 300 calories a day, I'm confident it will be enough time to get you prepared!

I'm proud of you!!