Because part of Phase 2 is taking what I learned from Phase 1 and applying it, I have to be totally honest and address those things that need improving. I definitely learned that my nutrition needs some fine attention and more dedication. After my Tri last week I was amazed at my body's reaction and my rapid weight loss. By the end of last week I had lost 10 lbs! I was dehydrated, weak, and losing muscle.
"A triathletes total calorie (or energy) needs vary due to changes in training load and intensity, but meeting daily calorie needs is essential to not only providing the energy needed to train and compete, but also to spare the breakdown of muscle protein." - trifuel.com
And that's exactly what had happened. I hadn't refueled my H2O intake, or supplied my body with enough calories for the expenditure burned during my race. ...and believe me, I felt it.
Here's my dilemma. I'm a 24 year old + male + with an already hyper metabolism + endurance training multiple hours a week = burning thousands of calories.
Here's my solution. eat, Eat, EAT! I have a nutrition plan I'm attempting to get back on track with this week at 3,000 cals per day. And adding a few new supplements to the mix.
Or I could just try the Michael Phelps diet http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/asia-pacific/7562840.stm